Going to high school is a key step in the life of a student. The transition to high school life is an upheaval on both of expectations and the students’ involvement, and the adult stance that the student must adopt at the end of his three years of studying. Throughout these high school years, the curriculum would intensify and become more and more complex. For some, the rhythm can sometimes get too intense. It is at this moment that some students can lose their pace.
In this article, we will deliver to you our advices and tips to better organize your school work and work more efficiently at high school.
Our best tips to better organize your work
How much time to work a day? Under which conditions? At what time? A whole range of issues remains unanswered when we step into the big league.
Anticipate and set a weekly to do list
You surely must have often heard “don’t do your homework at the last minute!”. Unfortunately, they are right! When you go to high school, you must make profit of each instant to make a maximal advance. We also advise you to list are your to do tasks for each week. In the aim of categorizing these tasks, you can attribute each one a priority class: Very urgent, urgent, and not urgent. Making a weekly work calendar allows you to have a much clearer vision without overwhelming you with work.
In the long run, it will be easier to manage major projects and not to be overwhelmed by any last minute stress.
Working of key times
Establishing a rhythm for your work sessions is essential. As months go by, the work habit will naturally install itself. Thanks to this technique, making homework would be less complicated. If we consider the example of redaction, this work requires more time and concentration than a simple exercise. It is best to divide this work into separate sessions. Mornings are the best times to start working, it is the moment we are the most available from a cognitive point of view. Nothing keeps you from redoing another work session the next morning in order to perfect your writing.
As for the other homework, we advise to work on between 5pm and 7 pm (after getting a good snack).
Diversify your homework during one session
During your daily sessions, it is important to diversify the subjects. You can subdivide your study time into two, or fix objectives by referring to teaching.
If you stay fixed on one subject or 2 or even 3 hours your brain wouldn’t regenerate. Also, feel free to get 5 to 10 minute recess between each exercise. By the time you drink a large glass of water, your brain would have the time to move on to the next issue. This short time allows you to better concentrate for the rest of your work session.
Take some time for yourself
Being productive and effective is essential to your scholar success. However, getting some time to rest is essential for your brain to properly function. Take a few hours per week to flourish within your passions (sport, culture, art, etc…). Moreover, your body and brain should have enough rest for them to be in good health. In average, a young adult requires 8 hours of sleep per day. To optimize your night, the ideal time to go to sleep is before midnight because sleeping during that period in the most comfortable. Diet also contributes to the well-functioning of the body. Having a healthy and balanced diet helps feeding your cells and organisms.
Now, you do have all the keys to succeed in this important life step. Make the best use of it!